Saturday, October 29, 2022

Saturday ~ October 29, 2022

We can always be sure of one thing - That the messengers of discomfort and sacrifice will be stoned and pelted by those who wish to preserve at all costs their own contentment. this is not a lesson that is confined to the Testaments.

Christopher Hitchens, 1949 - 2011

Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday ~ October 28, 2022

The day comes when remaining the same becomes more painful than the risk to grow. And when that happens there are many goodbyes. We leave old patterns, old friends, old lovers,old ideas, nd some cherished beliefs. Loss and growth are so often one and the same.

Phoebe Eng, b. late 20th c.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Wednesday ~ October 26, 2022

Instead of polishing the bombs of holy war

What if sex was holy and war was obscene

And it wasn't twisted, what a wonderful dream

Living for love, unafraid of the end

Forgiveness is the only real revenge

So we can heal each other and fill each other

We can break these walls between each other

Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick

Keep yourself open, yourself open

We can heal each other and fill each other

We can break these walls between each other

Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick

Alicia Keys, b. 1981

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Change is Constant:

 It is easy to miss incremental shifts over time. The universe is dynamic and ever-changing. We are experts in the way the world used to be. FLUX is a persistent state of affairs. This means we must constantly check our own knowledge base as it ages out of currency and decays over time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tuesday~ October 25, 2022

But all the fighting in the world will not help us if we do not also hope. What I'm trying to cultivate is not blind optimism but what the philosopher Jonathan Lear calls radical hope. "What makes this hope radical", Lear writes, "is that it is directed toward a future goodness that transcends the current ability to understand what it is." Radical hope is not so much something you have but something you practice; it demands flexibility, openness, and what Lear describes as "imaginative excellence." Radical hope is our best weapon against despair, even when despair seems justifiable; it makes the survival of the end of your world possible. Only radical hope could have imagined people like us into existence. And I believe that it will help us create a better, more loving future.

Junot Diaz, b. 1968

Monday, October 24, 2022

Sunday ~ October 24, 2022

Struggling with others is the definition of war; struggling with oneself is the definition of peace. What is the nature of struggle with oneself? The first [aspect of the struggle}] is to make one's thought, speech, and actions answer the demands of one's own ideal.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, 1882 - 1927


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